Online Celebration of John’s Life
“This site is here as a tribute and celebration of the life and work of Portland poet and journalist, John Dooley. As we were not able to gather physically for a celebration and reading of his work, I’ve created this site and these blog pages (links right) for friends and family to connect and share memories. Hopefully the online platform will be a good stand-in until we toast together in person. With much love and healing...”

Hey friends,
I know that we were all looking forward to a real in-person reading of John’s work, sharing of memories, drinks, tears, and laughter. However, I’m happy that we have John’s work, with your stories and tributes to John, saved in this platform for all to look back on… I am taking a leap of faith that these pages will function easily and have created two “sharing” pages so we are not all loading up/ overloading a single page. Don’t worry about specific rules for which page you should post on… Just go for it!
I’ll continue to update with photos as I uncover them. It was quite a task to get the poems and audio files up. Also, there will also be ongoing financial needs for the site. If you are able to contribute to the costs associated with hosting the site and the audio, I’ve set up a Patreon page for contributions. It will help!
Shots for everyone!
… and hugs