Black Alleys


When city buildings were set into place

No one realized

The result would be the creation of black alleys


That face

Flying over Archipelago

The esteemed and honest Eskimo face

Wrapped in a fire of fur

Marking the tail of Alaska Airlines


That guy must be the mayor of Sitka

I said, flipping a hoochie into the rink

Letting it sink and jig



Devlin shot back

I’ve seen that guy in Ketchikan

He’s a God Damned WINO!

They gave him 500 bucks to use his face

He spent it the same day

You can see him too if you go there

It’s no big deal

Just another drunken urchin pissing under the catwalk


I’ll see him where I want to I thought

Seattle backdrop

Smiling through the cables over San Francisco Bay

That face, in the clouds over somewhere


And Juan Valdez

Devlin teased, reeling in a black bass

He’s a peanut picker in San Pedro

DogJohn Dooley