If Your Mouth Is On It
The past is history
The past is running water
The past is a fallen boom or main
The past is killers on horseback
The past is your mother’s lily of the valley
The past is ten dollar pot and strawberry papers
The past is a stranger in your bathroom
The past is a list forgotten or anything forgotten
The past is a century of gentle pets
The past is rolling thunder
A crow walking up the street
A blue spot on your face
The entrance to a school
The past is a hound at your heels
The past is and always should be
A lure cast to still waters
The motion of slippery trolley
The past is something new
The past is hippies in the granary
The past is urban, suburban and primitive
The past is wet paper
Used foil
An invention of the priests
The past is someone’s lost and lovely item
The past never comes without cost
The past is an open orange
The past is the simplest meaning in anything white
A vacation photograph
The past is indecision in different languages
The past is never over no matter how old it becomes
The past is necessary to engage the soul upon the birth of the new sun