Gluteal muscles. The gluteal muscles are a group of three muscleswhich make up the buttocks: the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The three muscles originate from the ilium and sacrum and insert on the femur.
Three gluteal muscles, eh?
Maximus, Medius, Minimus
Like a local deli selection of pickled Roman cocks
Plump Intertwining Labial Lizards smoked to perfection!
Buttocks! The word itself
An enchanting incantation
And what these butt muscles do
To affect the eyes
Has no logical connection
To whatever social realm we might embrace
Or displace, from primitive or progressive thought
Size-ism, Objectification, Arousal
Changes with time and territory
Buttocks connect to our ancestry
Our DNA, Our Instinctual Need to survive
And it’s all about the caboose
We NEED, consciously or unconsciously
Intent or accident
To check those buttocks for ourselves
In case others in the pack hadn’t
Taken the proper precautions
Owls eyes, cat eyes, hawks eyes, are predatory
Set to aim and strike
Rabbits eyes are on the side, wary of everything
Ours are set for buttocks!
We can’t resist them
Buttocks Buttocks, Buttocks!
Tight, loose, thin, wide, high, low
USDA Approved, humble buns
Curt& Cute, long & lingering
Granite, or pudding
I’ll admit for you right here and now
You observed buttocks today
And I don’t mean a cheeky shadow against the wall
An inadvertent Starbucks tip-slot sighting
You observed buttocks
Peripherally, intently, or unexpectedly
You observed buttocks
Maybe you’re the kind to judge buttocks in
One way or another
Maybe you aren’t
I don’t know.
I don’t know you
But you probably have buttocks
And if given the chance
I would take a look
In case others in the pack hadn’t
Taken the proper precautions
Your brain made you look at the buttocks
Catalog it in whatever way
Your ethical and moral base deems appropriate
And filed it away for later use
Before I go
I’d like to come clean and reveal I too, have buttocks
You probably checked ‘em
I know you did
Because you’re human
And you saw me walk in here and I have buttocks
At this time I’d like you to all rise and show me your buttocks.
A yes vote is showing me your buttocks; a no vote is not showing me your buttocks
Can I see a show of buttocks please?
Right now! Let’s see those hindquarters!