Dry Humor
After a tough day editing walruses
I like to tuck in the feisty tiger cubs and take a warm dry shower
It’s all about
Stripping naked in the penthouse window
Fluffing up the old groin-Tribble
and meticulously toweling off the dust of the day
Finishing up with a dry washcloth
Pits, ass-crack, toes,
Eyes, forehead, nose, cheeks, chin & scrotum
Or what's left of it
Like I said, they’re feisty tigers.
I dislike certain moist things, and I’m revolted by what they’re called
Like Nautical sauce. Shimmering lip-gloss. Lipids.
Moist things sound moist.
Lotions, ointments, calming balms, unguents, creams, lotions, salves, nectars, moisturizers, spritzers, liniments, pastes, secret sauces, mustards, bath bombs, oils of palms, extracted oils, non-essential oils, rainforest mud-pack soils, dabs, dollops, Go-Gurts, pudding squirts, Nipple Gels, Jelly-Jams, that dripping protoplasm in the cans with hams.
I don’t want those things in, on, under, above, or anywhere near me
Not on my eyes, forehead, nose, cheeks, chin or cat toys.
I don’t want those things on my dry white pen
It makes it slippery and unmanageable
And I don’t appreciate those things gumming up my white paper
Staining, soiling, greasing, lubricating, oozing and extruding
Team that with an unguent-coated pen and all hell breaks loose.
Powder puff lady muff, that’s me.
Now, where did I put that pen full of ideas?