Bad Steves


Another pending End of Times
Another bending down 
Bowing heads
Losing ground

Another racialpocolypse

Same hatred since Chronological Zero

Surging, sewering, bigoted, stains


Middle-management corporate staves

Nano-Neos gathering,

Bitching about parking

Vengeful droning wasps

Endless waves of never-ending Steves

Jacking their boots, rolling up sleeves

Another year longer

Another fear monger

These jelly-brain chicken-plucks

Would piss in their own mouths if it

Kept you down


Never forget! We said we’d never forget!

But we did forget

We forgot about the insistent 

Onrushing perpetual Steves 


Diabolistic erupting tumors

In the shape of men

Men without honor

Men without compassion

Men without dirt, men without grace

Men, “just doing our jobs, ma’am”

Men with pilfered ideas

Living on stolen land

As if they conquered it personally


Swastika-bellied Sneeches 
Falsely entitled albino-bleached leeches
Glorification of horrification


In their eyes’ mind

Opportunities abound for purging

Eugenic selections
Deselected rejections, excising
the unfortunately formed

Artistically borne or wrongly adorned

Rationalized mortification

Of everyday souls

Proclaiming proclamations
Which Who, and what How is appealing
Why, and how What, passes muster
All lust without luster


A Business Class twisting promenade of Suckling-pig Hell-pups 

Blue blazers

Van Heusen shirts

Red ties
Tinker Toy, Tiki-Torch tendering Joy Boys
Logo’d, Polo’d

Mustard splattered Khakis

Concealing loaded Laser-Tag Lugers

New Unbalance: The official shoe

While Our Nation, prophylactically grieves
O, come the processions of
Sippy-cup Sub-Nazi Steves

Never discount their crimson intentions

The New Guard is fortified in ancient eras
and, their dogs are lathering